
bortcorn t1_iyd6wlk wrote

Just my opinion and I might be wrong:

I don’t put much stock in those sessions. I watch what the countries are doing. These political meetings are inevitable as both states must present themselves as willing to de-escalate. It’s statecraft. But China is setting out on a clear grand strategy which puts it at complete odds with US grand strategy. These meetings are meant to delay the inevitable and buy time imho. For both sides.


bortcorn t1_iycrpd7 wrote

All in BABA is not wise. This is a macro secular bear market, China US relations are bad and getting worse, and, as has been pointed out many times to OP, this is an ADR and you might find yourself without recourse in an event where the CCP decides US shareholders are not entitled to their shares at face value. For any reason.

There are so many ways to play a bullish re-opening narrative. This is not the strongest way by a mile.