
bradthebeardedpiper t1_j6eeesf wrote

I'm 49 and have diagnosed ADHD and am medicated for it. I decided I wanted to become a "reader" so many times in my life-- bithe before and after my diagnosis.

Then, at the end of 2022, I decided to research "adults reading with ADHD.". There were so many suggestions, but the one that kept coming up was: don't try to read something that doesn't interest you! And that, although so simple and obvious, was a huge revelation to me.

I stopped trying to read Stephen King, the classics, and other popular books. Instead, I thought about the TV shows that I enjoy: crime shows like Criminal Minds, Blacklist, etc. So I found a book that I thought would be fitting to that genre. It's January 29th and I'm on my 10th book if the year (I have been laid up for the last few weeks after knee surgery, so that has to go into the number being so high.)

My point is, read something that interests you. Don't try to power through books that you think you should like because they're so popular.

If you have a Kindle, download samples and try those. If you don't have a Kindle, get the Kindle app and do the same. Or, go to your local library, get a library card (you can do this online with some libraries,) and get the Libby app. You can read samples there, borrow e-books, read the books on the app, or have them sent to your Kindle, Kindle app, or other e-reader. A great, no cost way to get started.

Also, be very, very careful with online ADHD self diagnosis. Most people have some symptoms of ADHD throughout the day or week. But ADHD goes beyond loosing your keys every now and then. Beyond not being able to concentrate at times. Etc.