
breakplans t1_jefrwd1 wrote

People with more money, and also willing to go into more debt (I’ve heard about some insane mortgages - you’re not supposed to buy as high as possible!), or who have families with money willing to buy them a house. My husband and I talk about this a lot - why do people have bigger houses and nicer cars than we do? But the answer is, they’re more comfortable with debt than we are.


breakplans t1_ix9diwu wrote

I don’t fly that often but agreed, Newark is a busy airport and therefore it’s better than many others! I think because it’s so busy, TSA has their shit together and they move the line quickly and efficiently. It’s smaller airports like Tampa where I’ve had issues, or even tinier ones like Trenton or AC, while speedy, are disorganized and the staff can be rude. EWR ain’t nobody got time for that.


breakplans t1_itwsxoz wrote

Is a filter those tall skinny stack things? Because I’ve seen enough of those just slowly smoldering all day long to know they are useless and gross. They make the whole parking lot or area smell bad if someone tosses a lit butt in there. You’d take any other garbage with you, take your butts too!