
brknsoul t1_jaao2nz wrote

One (1) is not the same as Eleven (11). 11 is not 1 and 1, it's Ten more than One.

If you have 11 people, and want to give them each 11 apples, you'll need 121 apples.


brknsoul t1_j6cpcdm wrote

You'll probably need to specify which country/state.

If the renter is only paying partial payments, then eventually they'll get 3 months behind.

If you own the property, you could simply refuse to renew the lease, or if they're a month-to-month tenant, you could simply serve them an eviction notice relevant to your country/state.

For example, in South Australia a fixed-term lease can end by giving the tenant a 28-day notice that the landlord isn't renewing the lease, or a periodic term (month-to-month) can be ended with a 90-day notice.


brknsoul t1_j6argu8 wrote

You could think of pronouns like this;

Imagine that you have a friend you've known since you were little. You've always called him "Johnny". You're now both in your 20s, and he's asked you not to call him "Johnny", but to call him "John". You might slip up now and then and accidentally call him "Johnny", but so long as you correct yourself and apologise, you should be fine.

Don't ever be afraid to ask for clarification, this shows that you want to respect the person and call them by what they want to be known as.


brknsoul t1_ixp0qr8 wrote

Typically subreddits that repost other posts from other subreddits ( r/BestofRedditorUpdates for example ) refer to the original poster of that post as OOP (original "original poster"), to show people that the person posting this reposted story isn't the original poster.


brknsoul t1_iu9jxyn wrote

Imagine you have a 55 gallon drum that's completely airtight. You connect a hose to it and start pumping in air. Assuming all connections are stronger than the drum, eventually the drum explodes.

Now, instead of pumping air into the drum, what would happen if you started sucking air out of the drum? Eventually the air pressure outside of the drum would be greater than the pressure inside the drum and it would crush, or implode.

You can watch a short video here.


brknsoul t1_irqh5fm wrote

No, not missing the point (screen towards mirror, using reflection to line up image), just suggesting an small alteration to what people already do. Typically for those who like to show off their phones.


brknsoul t1_irqc4a7 wrote

Another option is to look at the screen to line up the photo, then look at the lens through the mirror before taking the photo. This way you're looking at your 'audience' rather than your phone's screen.