
brotherkaramasov t1_izsp6df wrote

First of all, I don't know where you got that I think I should be able to survive without work. Not even communists believe that, that's just misinformation on how alternative economic systems should work.

Second, in the context of this subreddit specifically, people discuss a very probable future where automation is advanced enough that a dozen people and many robots will be able to produce and distribute food to millions. In this context, the concept of a "job" for common people is outdated, because their work is not needed anymore.


brotherkaramasov t1_izsoec2 wrote

Half of your comment are insults lmfao.

>We have tested not having open markets. It was hell.

That doesn't even makes sense. For example Cuba has better stats in violence, poverty and genocide than the US.

There are a LOT of capitalist countries with open markets where violence, poverty and genocide happens daily. Hell, out of the 190 capitalist countries, half of it is a shithole.


brotherkaramasov t1_izq53h2 wrote

Sometimes posts here get way too optimistic with the rate of progress on AI, but the responses are almost always level headed.

Realistically you can't expect all people to be highly informed in AI. An aspiring writer will use chatGPT for a few minutes and conclude creative jobs are about to end. Things like this will happen with every step the technology takes