
buddhamanjpb t1_j9gik0g wrote

"The dash board lights are most problematic.
A tire pressure light won't prevent the vehicle from failing inspection, but an ABS light or Airbag MIL would.
"It's just making it tougher for these people to get inspection stickers because of certain lights that are on in the car that aren't necessarily affecting anything in the car or emissions-related items," said Fine."


buddhamanjpb t1_j7qukxn wrote

Dealerships aren't going to give you a good amount, not to mention the price of used cars is finally coming down a little so now isn't the prime time to sell, which means dealerships aren't looking to buy tons of used cars like they were a year ago. However, if you really need to get rid of it, just sell it private party. You'll get much more for it.