
bufallll t1_iuzbyvu wrote

  1. somerville is generally cheaper but it depends on the area, in both cities housing near transit/popular areas is much more expensive than further from transit
  2. right now i’m paying ~2.6k a month in cambridge for a one bed, it’s not luxury but a nice place. when i moved in i paid a security deposit that was about half of a rent bill

bufallll t1_itsq3bm wrote

ugh okay i’m sorry to hear that and sorry for the harsh language, i have seen a lot of abled people make that argument when it doesn’t include them and i assumed that was you too. i hope you get better. however i stand by the core of what i said, getting more people out of cars and onto bikes and public transit should free up the streets for people who need to drive and our community should rely on cars as little as possible. i moved here largely for the access to public transit and walkability and i want to see that character maintained and strengthened, and i also bike. this area is not safe for cyclists and the facts are that we do need more bike infrastructure.


bufallll t1_itslesy wrote

this is an incredibly tired argument. the idea is to make it easier for people to use bikes and transit (the overwhelming majority of people are able bodied), which in turn frees up roads for the people who really need to be on them. also your statement of ages is pretty laughable considering 55% of people in cambridge are between the ages of 20 and 44 (nationally that age group is 36%) so yes, we actually do have a very young population. also, if someone needs to drive so much, could they possibly move… literally anywhere else in the damn country? why should the rest of us who actually want to live in a functional walkable city have to suffer for some people who are shackled to their cars?

also let’s be real, you’re more than likely using disabled people as an excuse for your own selfish habits. people who harp about needing parking/lanes for disabled people always seem to forget that there are also a ton of disabled people who cannot/don’t drive. what about them? oh, they aren’t convenient for your argument?