
bushidopirate t1_j8qa5dp wrote

Why not both? It could be a feedback loop where people with attention issues are more likely to check their phones frequently, which further exacerbates their attention issues.

Using your horse-and-cart analogy, I wouldn’t be surprised if the horse initially pulls the cart, but then the cart plummets downhill and starts dragging the horse.


bushidopirate t1_j8eow1l wrote

I had the same problem when I replaced mine 2 months ago. I’m also the least handy person I know, so I was convinced I was doing something wrong.

It turns out, the angle you need to pull it out is kind of tricky. When I finally got the angle I needed after jostling it around for a few minutes, it came out surprisingly easily. Don’t pull too hard, but wiggle it side-to-side or up-and-down a tiny bit as you pull.