
butchlugrod t1_j3ecgcy wrote

Moved here from Colorado about five months ago -- we ate at our favorite Mexican restaurants every other night for a month in preparation! The food scene is pretty bleak here, there aren't even any proper Mexican grocery stores.

I've been trying to up my game around the kitchen though, studying a lot of recipes and techniques online to bring back some of our favorites. Making your own tortillas is half the battle. Once you've mastered those, any dish you prepare that incorporates them is instantly elevated.


butchlugrod t1_ivri8j4 wrote

Wood and oil. I just moved to the state and using either of these as a primary heat source in 2022 still just seems super weird (Iā€™m from WA originally, but have lived in CO/VA/AR/TX.) Do they still source the oil from whales? šŸ˜‰