
buttfacenosehead t1_ixliix0 wrote

Years ago a buddy of mine worked for fjd marketing. He was a kid in high school at the time and managed to sell enough trial newspaper subscriptions to win a couple trips to Disney World. I was older so I investigated a position with the company as a driver.

Turns out they'd recruit a bunch of kids (usually from low-income areas) & a driver takes them to some development to run door to door trying to sell newspaper trial subscriptions.

Immediately everything felt terrible about this. You're supposed to entice the kids by saying you'll take them to McDonald's if everybody sells five subscriptions and whoever sells the highest gets fries. I wouldn't even let them out of the car.

I gave them all 10 bucks took them to McDonald's bought them everything they wanted and then told their parents to never ever let them do this again. In particular was a young small girl that could have disappeared in a second & no one would have known where the hell to start looking for her. These companies are terrible.

Years later I went on another interview & the"team" was walking around trying to sell various items they had in a bag to people on the sidewalk.


buttfacenosehead t1_iu9xnh0 wrote

Reply to 10 years ago by ReggieNJ

Wife and I realized we can be on the sand, under the umbrella in under an hour from Moorestown. I haven't been to the beach in years because I couldn't take the traffic and the crowds.

We go on the beach right in front of that little pizza place. There's a beautiful condo/ Hotel right across the street from where we like to set up, but I think it takes 1.5 million dollars to buy one of those private Suites. I guess this is close as I'm getting to it.

Much easier/faster than trying to get to Wildwood, Cape May or any of the more Southern points which are too-far for a day-trip for me. I'd always want to stay over.

We used to have a place in the Villas. It's a far ride & you're still 11 mi from Cape May or Wildwood, but it's a nice way to get some property down near the shore for under 200k & not pay $200+/night for a hotel room.

I'll stick with Asbury Park Beach because I don't really need to stay over for a 45 drive.
