
bwaibel t1_j12vtem wrote

Right, so your point is that if solar noon was on the west side of a time zone it would be a disaster? If you were on the same time as your neighbors in Montana and southern Idaho then all hell would break loose?


bwaibel t1_j108j8r wrote

Solar noon is almost never at noon. If we were to follow your logic we’d have a different time at every point on earth. Instead we made an approximation that tends to work ok, it’s better than the same time everywhere I think.

In the end which time slot you’re in just barely matters. What matters is that it’s totally ridiculous to shift the slot twice a year. If people want solar noon at 12:45 instead of 11:45 it makes no difference. Permanent DST is nice on the west coast because it puts the whole country on a tighter clock. I think that’s a material benefit that far outweighs the ridiculous argument you’re making about the definition of the word meridian.