
bylosellhi11 t1_jc6wr7l wrote


calling for imprisonment of a family? whatever world you live in sounds much more dangerous and threating and than anything we live in today

Russians propaganda? You mean the FBI spreading Russian propaganda fears to kill a news story about a future presidents son and his laptop?

Or NYT/WAPO for spreading the same fears...

If you think spreading propaganda is just a sinclair problem...look around..


bylosellhi11 t1_jc68r9x wrote

Sounds great and I do not necessartly disagree but we still have laws we need to enforce. Instead we have presidents making their own proclamations every 4-8 years, running through the courts to see whats legal while congress sits on their hands because it is now a voter issue as they try to exploit the extremes of both sides.

We have record numbers of people coming across the border which IMO should be absolutely contained and could be if we really wanted to. We have a border, just like every other country, it should be enforced. in Nov '22 there was 206K encounters with border patrol, of which 145K were single adults, predominately male. this is NOT a bunch of families coming across or seeking asylum. Now most are being released under title 8 and will fall through the cracks until congress does something.

Yes we need migrant workers and yes we need to do something about people already here but the spicket should be turned off otherwise until it is resolved through congress. We should make a skill based system and take in the best, most educated first and work backwards from there.


bylosellhi11 t1_j0ubo7p wrote

Not really a tangent. They are keeping Baltimore office until 2026 when their lease expires. They will not renew. Is that office even occupied now? I know they already downsized it at one point. The building in Baltimore will have a giant hole in it with 90K SF gone and an employ base no longer there.