
calliope720 t1_j93mirq wrote

Man, I'm not sure you understand either, but I can't be arsed. Like I said, you're arguing with nobody. I was in the thread earlier to clarify the common delineating landmarks that are used broadly to define the generations. I do not have a stake in your personal opinion of them.

Do you just need somebody to validate your personal experience? Cuz I can do that. I believe that you are telling the truth. Rotary phones to bedroom internet! Wild! What a ride! An experience you have in common with, in general, some proportion of gen X and some proportion of millennials. A single person's experience doesn't necessarily represent the average of a population, but if you just need to be told you're included in the data set, I'm probably the wrong person to ask but I'd say yes?

Anyway, sorry for making this confusing for you. Don't shoot the messenger.


calliope720 t1_j905fm4 wrote

I mistyped, I was trying to say "experience this change."

But at any rate, you're picking an argument with the wrong person. I'm not defending the definition, I'm explaining what the definition is. I don't have a strong stance on this either way, I'm just clarifying why in popular culture the lines are drawn the way they are.

If you feel the lines should be drawn differently based on your experience I have no issue with that at all. It just isn't the way it's commonly defined. I don't make the rules


calliope720 t1_j8y14fj wrote

I don't discount your experience, but in fairness, 15 is still a VERY formative period in a person's life, and it's still accurate to say that your development was heavily affected by what was happening at the turn of the millennium. The generations aren't defined by young childhood only.

I would agree though that the way we divide generations right now isn't especially helpful for making meaningful inferences about lived experience besides development of technology and wartimes. Things move too fast, and have since the 70s.

But it's also unhelpful to make too many micro-generations. I was born in 90, and I feel like my experience was vastly different than that of someone born in 95 or 85, but it's because I'm focusing too closely on my own personal experience instead of population averages.