
canofmeems t1_ja740pp wrote

Not really.

I love science, and the bible is scientific and only contradictory when you add Catholic ritual to it. It has internal consistency and is also scientific. There is a reference to the skin of teeth centuries before teeth enamel was discovered, and also it talks about the "circle of the earth" and how it's suspended upon nothing. And Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, And in your book all its parts were down in writing" And it was Darwin and his contemporaries that discovered the embryo.

So, it's not as crazy as you'd think.


canofmeems t1_ja4hvhj wrote


We'd leave, rather than risk any scene.

Revelation 22:18,19 I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

Basically if you add to the bible then you're Basically going against god.

So Joseph Smith went against god, and Mormons are deceived followers.

We preach to them if we meet them, and I've had some pretty decent chats.


canofmeems t1_ja4eo3j wrote

Even less to let them roam free in heaven.

The bible says that got put them is a state where they can be free but spiritually blind, it's called "Tartarus" so none of them can see gods purpose or any spiritual light, but they still have their power.

All the suspicious exorcist stuff that happens is one of them.

But it'll end soon.