
captprice007 t1_jaapbqc wrote

Because when that later causes Burnout, then you'll post another quote asking us to chill out in life. So a balance has to be maintained, which most people are trying to make anyways. Balance requires a little more careful and slow approach towards goals. Hence, the slow speed (and not running).


captprice007 t1_j2deo21 wrote

This year I learnt that I am a closet coward and huge overthinker. This realisation led me to change my opinion about everything in my life and I started making effort to bring about a consistent change in my ideology/beliefs. I embraced fear and came out rewarded almost every time. I also charted a path for the future which requires me to take even bigger challenges and risks in future.

I intend to open myself up more to challenges, take them head on and survive by my sheer will. I will take care of my mental health, work at being independent career-wise and marry the girl I love. 2023 is going to be the biggest year of my life. I'll come out on the other side with a partner, settled career and possibly a new home.