
cardzmr t1_j9rwdru wrote

The demand exceeds the supply when they’re on the seacoast with signs that say “keep New England white”…? Huh…

The supply gets amplified by people that comment like you did downplaying the incidents and life experience of the commenter you’re replying to. Complacency will only embolden these nazi pricks to continue doing what they’re doing.

The only answer is simple…hate has no home here, and anyone that says different is part of the problem.

Not ridiculing the people that have been targets.

Jesus, smh


cardzmr t1_j9rvx1s wrote

The person that did this, did it at 3am and purposely chose places/businesses connected to people of color and Jews…

“Grow up for a second” is a pretty ignorant answer. If you’re a target of hate, and someone runs around town at 3am, while the rest of us are asleep, it’s not illogical to wonder if they’ll follow you home and harm you in some way. Whether it be vandalizing your personal property or potentially harming you.

Pretty shitty hot take bro dude.