
carlosvega t1_j9y2aau wrote

Yeah, that I know, but I was wondering if they publish the md5 of the apk or compiled app so that you can test later on or something. Or if it’s possible to check the md5 of the downloaded apps from the store. I am not sure why I am downvoted, I think it is a legitimate question.

Some bad guys could fork the app, add some changes and publish it in third party stores.

Something similar to this:

And I am not the first one asking this question:

Edit: a colleague just shared this with me!


carlosvega t1_ix5qxaz wrote

Hydrogen is not a source of energy. Is an energy carrier. The main sources of energy are nuclear and solar. All others derive from these two. Exceptions may be tidal and geothermal but they constitute a very small fraction. Green hydrogen could be useful for industry but I have yet to see a big scale plan for it.