
catsloveart t1_itbru39 wrote

meh. seems like you just want to argue over nothing.

do you need a little validation? or a hug? its probably a hug.

so here goes.

you have value cause you are a human being.

and here is my offer of a hug



this is you before

( ಠ_ಠ)

this is you, your after the validation and hug

( ಠᴗಠ)

now that you feel better. may there rest of your day be full of fun, cheer, and candy.



catsloveart t1_it71atb wrote

a number of manufacturer of safety equipment do that. sometimes they just give you a free replacement.

for example ACR Resqlink makers of PLB for boaters has such a program. they use your testimonial for advertising.

a number of helmet manufacturers for skaters and bikers just give you a replacement helmet if yours was damaged in a crash. no testimonial needed.

for a time an automatic helmet airbag maker Hovdig had just supplied you a recharge kit if you were in an accident.

its not unheard of practice. but it seems like you didn’t know of it.

now i admit i don’t know if apple does this. but the nice thing to do is to suggest the possibility, to inquire with apple. especially since they do use people’s testimonials where they were saved because of the crash detection feature of the apple watch.