
catsrule_meow t1_jdh8rhf wrote

Pretty much just the riots from 2015 but to me that seems like old news? I graduated a little before all that happened. It has always been and probably always will be a “party school” … but that doesn’t mean you can’t do well in school while having fun (like a normal college kid).

Personally I was super serious about my grades, graduated over 3.9 GPA, and I’m very happy with my career several years later. I also went to my fair share of parties and bars and came out with some good friends. It was a win/win for me :)


catsrule_meow t1_j4zrj8u wrote

Gunstock to Portsmouth is an hour, Gunstock to Bedford is an hour and then another hour to Boston either way. They are tourists asking to see what NH has to offer & it sounds like they are going to Boston after Gunstock (not sure same day or next.)

Tucker’s has decent food but we have better spots than a plaza with Kohls, Staples, and Tucker’s …


catsrule_meow t1_j4yabey wrote

If you’re going to gunstock you should hike/ski/snowshoe around there. Should still be possible especially early in March. That’s the only reason people go to that area as a tourist.

On your way to Boston, stop in Portsmouth. I don’t know why no one else is saying that. It’s NH’s most charming (small) city with the best food and shopping. Also on the coast so you can go from seeing the mountains to the very small coastline which is pretty! The drive from Portsmouth to Boston is easy.