
ccwb713 t1_j0er2ud wrote

As mentioned above, it’s nice not feeling forgotten when American society and pop culture are wrapped up in the Christmas mishegas - especially with the spike in antisemitism. But personally, in no way, shape, or form would I go out and buy massive Hanukkah decorations - especially since Hanukkah is one of the least important holidays on the calendar

Moral of the story, there’s no connection between being/feeling acknowledged and there being a market for Hanukkah decorations (that undoubtedly would be designed by goys and get something incorrect).


ccwb713 t1_j0c53tw wrote

As a Jewish Baltimorean (or Baltimorean Jew - depends on the day), I LOVE this house. Growing up, my grandparents (z”l) would go out of their way year to take my siblings and I to 34th Street and see the lights in the area, but as incredible as the Christmas lights always were, stopping at the Hanukkah House on Park Heights on the way home was always the most satisfying part because I felt included and seen.

Shout out to Mr. Lamont for providing others with that feeling - especially when our community needs it - and decorating one amazing house!