
celo753 t1_jdqjj7a wrote

They didn't, and they didn't really need to.

You can still see it in tribal populations today. They don't care for their teeth at all, yet they've got perfect teeth, better than ours.

That's because their diet is very low on refined sugars, and composed mostly of fruits, vegetables and fish, with some occasional red meat.

It also reflects on their skin. They have smooth lively skin free of acne, despite not using any skin care products. That's also due to lower presence of sugars in their diet, and also because their culture doesn't drink alcohol.


celo753 t1_j4j1p0b wrote

Lots of fruits are intended to attract animals to eat them, not just avocados or large fruits.

Seeds do not need to be large to survive the gut, for example if you eat corn kernels they will easily survive your gut.

And the spreader animal does not need to eat the fruit whole to ingest seeds, it can just take bites out of the fruit and then ingest some seeds whole incidentally.

A pig or a cow, for example, will eat a pumpkin. Not whole, of course. But in the process they will end up ingesting whole seeds, that will survive their digestive tract and be spread around.


celo753 t1_j1f2jzi wrote

Because it’s the difference in hormone levels compared to baseline that causes a high. While your first testosterone injection might cause a high, you will quickly get used to it.

Serotonin and dopamine are not just simply hormones that when released make you feel happiness. That’s a gross oversimplification.

There are a lot of ways to “cheat in happiness”, see any recreational drug.


celo753 t1_j1b80g1 wrote

It depends on who you’re asking. Some people believe we should purposefully colonize other planets with life, in the hopes that someday some of it will thrive. For scientists, it is very bad, since it will make experiments that check for the remnants/presence/building blocks of life possibly return false positives. In the grand scheme of things, taking humans to mars is impossible without contamination of the red planet, and the scientific value of having a human on-site on mars likely outweighs the negatives of contamination.


celo753 t1_j0lct5m wrote

Since you mention comfort, I would like to add that while this isn’t related to the perception of temperature, extremely dry and hot environments can feel more uncomfortable than humid and hot ones.

Because the dry hot air dehydrates you very quickly, especially your throat and nose get dry in a matter of minutes, it feels very uncomfortable and is (in my own opinion) worse than a hot humid climate.


celo753 t1_iwxetoq wrote

Partially filled would already make your soda at least partially flat, since for your soda to be fizzy the liquid needs to be saturated with carbon dioxide, and having air in the container would make the liquid lose its carbon dioxide to that air.

You could have a high pressure carbon dioxide atmosphere inside your half-filled can, but then you come into a multitude of problems, like the fact that upon opening it would instantly explode like a shaken can of soda, and there would be very little liquid remaining for anyone to drink.


celo753 t1_isa3l0z wrote

It’s also not just fatalities that matter, it reduces the risk of serious injury too. I’d rather hit an airbag and break an arm than hit the steering wheel or glovebox and break 9 different bones and have my face smashed in, even if I don’t die in either situation.