
celticchrys t1_jb2tzgb wrote

And what's confusing is how anyone can possibly think this was ever the norm for most people. I just can't believe so many people seem to think sit-coms were reality. You had to be in the minority to ever have this luxury, to ever travel like this (at least in the USA) ever in your life. Most of the people I've ever known who were born in the USA of any age have still never been outside the USA unless they are financially well off, employer sent them for business, or in the military. Certainly most of the Silent Generation , like these ladies, only traveled abroad if they were in the military.


celticchrys t1_j2cy912 wrote

Anecdotally, it seems to help some diabetics I know control their fasting blood glucose levels better. There is limited data on this so far, though.


It is hypothesized that it may help reduce some negative aging effects, but the articles sadly seem to all be paywalled.


celticchrys t1_is3tjx0 wrote

Topically (touching your skin) it is lethal for insects (critters with an exoskeleton) but generally safe for mammals. 5 grams eaten per 20 kilograms (~44lbs) of body weight can be lethal. So, 5 grams eaten could kill a 44 pound child. So, use it on your nail, and keep the bottle put away out of reach of children, like every other medicine, and it should be fine.