
chad_trooper t1_izuk15t wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kick bf out housing laws by [deleted]

You're obviously angry and upset. And for obvious reasons. But the simple fact is that he legally lives there. And you can't illegally kick him out. The faster you start the process, the better. You are looking at a minimum of two months. Between 30 day notice, then eviction and court date, followed by courts likely giving him a fair bit of time to find a place (especially since it's winter)

The faster you get the ball rolling, the better


chad_trooper t1_izug44u wrote

He lives there right? As in, his primary address? License, mail, documents..... Whatever, he uses it at his address? Hate to break it to you, but you're shit out of luck. Lease or not, he lives there. Plenty of people are tenants at will, not under any leases. You're gonna have to go through the gauntlet of evicting him.

It's a different story if it's a domestic violence situation, which it sounds like it's not. But he is a tenant, and he has rights. Last thing you want to do is throw his stuff out/change the locks


chad_trooper t1_iybspbg wrote

A lot of landlords lowered their rents during covid and are now bringing them back up to "normal" values. But there are other things too. If heat or hot water and included in your rent than it makes sense to increase it by a lot too. Maybe he got an increase in property taxes. Maybe he's just being a greedy landlord. Whatever the reason, you have the option to try your luck somewhere else. Housing is brutal around here though