
chadenright t1_jdp07o1 wrote

Ideally your car will always be Lawful Good; it will drive better and cause less wear and tear on itself over time. But shoddy roads, rage-inducing drivers and lengthy traffic stops can tend to cause the car to slide slowly but inexorably through neutral to chaos and evil. Regular maintenance and the occasional exorcism can keep this tendency in check, however.


chadenright t1_j6clztl wrote

It's not unwitting. Tens of millions of Americans are fully cognizant of the fact that their politics will put them in an early grave, harm their kids, their parents and their spouse - and these Americans don't care so long as the politicians hurt the people those voters want them to hurt.


chadenright t1_j5xcy0q wrote

If we decriminalized possession we'd have to fuel our prison industry with some other widespread crime. Maybe make driving 5 over the speed limit into a felony with a three strikes rule; third time you're 20 to life.

I mean, those corporations gotta profit right? They employ like literally a million prison guards, and if we stopped feeding people into the machine all those guards would be out a job.

Luckily between the cartels, the pharmacies and the for-profit prison corps there is plenty of money to bribe congress with and a majority of corrupt congress critters right now. We won't have to worry about winning the drug war any time in the near future.


chadenright t1_j2fb6zi wrote

It does take months, but during peacetime modern militaries burn a lot of money on "being ready" for a quick response when it's needed. Russia spent their "Ready to get dropped out an airplane whenever" guys at the start of the war, they failed to do anything noteworthy, now they have nobody with the training and resources to be able to do that. Not to mention Ukraine is now a lot more ready to blow a transport plane out of the air if they -did- want to drop over Kyiv.


chadenright t1_iybp9uo wrote

Yeah, we'll be lucky if we don't have a Bronze Age Collapse within a century or so. Eight billion people in an environment of widespread climate change, resource wars leading to the collapse of the global food supply and a return to waves of famine refugees in the hundreds of millions...the war in Ukraine is just the start. Things are going to get ugly.

And hey, maybe when things get really bad we can rely on fortified outposts of insane religious zealots to preserve our most important art, literature and scientific advancements. Maybe even a couple copies of wikipedia.


chadenright t1_ixtcgn5 wrote

Peasant kids losing their virginity to those in power at a young age is neither novel nor those in power.

On the other hand, fraud and extortion by the Vatican against the wealthy and politically connected would absolutely provoke a policy change.

Having read the article, the recorded phonecall basically amounts to the ex-VP of finance asking the CEO, "Do you remember that I asked you to approve a budget," and the CEO going, "I recall something about a budget, please submit any requests for approval in writing."

Hardly damning of the pope, and a very very thin defense when the VP is arguing that "The CEO approved all of the illegal things I did because he approved of the budget for them."


chadenright t1_iuus84l wrote

The fifth amendment, once upon a time, prevented one from being compelled to incriminate oneself via testimony. However, that hasn't stopped courts from attempting to compel people to incriminate themselves anyhow, and the last-ditch line of defense against that is to simply be unable to remember any of the incriminating evidence you are being compelled to testify about.

If you aren't a big-wig politician with the pull to buy off a judge it generally results in contempt of court.