
chemprofes t1_j6w1zrf wrote

It is all a scam. People think living by the waterfront at the heart of the city is desirable. People think that rising see do not mean we actually need to re-think how we live near oceans. However, those same people dismiss the ideas of simple things like what happens if big wave hits? What happens to freshwater and electricity and internet lines in a storm or emergency? How are you going to install sewer lines and protect them against sea life attaching to them.

Can you live like this in a protected wetland area with minimal wave actions and modifications...yeah but not anywhere near open water.

This is all based on the idea of things get bad in the next 100 years no problem we will just moved. It is not that simple. Maintenance going to be more of a problem not less of a problem in the future.

For evidence see the manmade islands by the UEA....right now they are all but abandon and that only took 10 years.