chevymonza t1_jbhmx97 wrote
Reply to comment by AmargithHuld in Hidden Gem [image] by ChefGirlRD1738
Sigh, members are difficult to eliminate from one's life entirely. Forced to cross paths now and then.
chevymonza t1_jb3h3i7 wrote
Reply to comment by cityb0t in Uncyclopedia parody of Wikipedia! by Dry-Lie-7476
If nothing else, the very first alphabetically.
chevymonza t1_jakqkib wrote
Reply to comment by dzhastin in Amsterdam murder suspect caught with bag of meat at Lisbon Airport, fueling cannibal rumor by NinjaElectricMeteor
Monster Taco BM.
chevymonza t1_j7x8ga8 wrote
Reply to comment by bentschji in [image] "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you love. It will not lead you astray." | Rumi by bentschji
Thanks!! It's a real rush when other people notice and they too seem to get a kick out of a little unexpected creativity in the workplace. Makes for a good benign conversation starter as well.
chevymonza t1_j7s1s8t wrote
Reply to comment by bentschji in [image] "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you love. It will not lead you astray." | Rumi by bentschji
Ahhh always a tricky concept, making a passion into a career! The things I love would pay even less. My passions aren't marketable (writing, translating, creative stuff.) But I have learned to incorporate some of these things into my daily routine to offset the grind. For example, designing a chart for the VP that's fun and colorful rather than the usual boring list- that got some praise! Mass emails with some graphics are also fun to do. Difficult conversations that other people don't want to get involved with, that takes finesse and some creativity. Stuff like that.
chevymonza t1_j7nic82 wrote
Reply to [image] "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you love. It will not lead you astray." | Rumi by bentschji
On the one hand, I find great personal fulfillment in pursuing the things I love.
On the other, I've gotten nowhere in my "career," and wish I'd stuffed some more useful information in my head.
chevymonza t1_j274tkk wrote
Reply to comment by CygnusX-1-2112b in TIL that footage from the video game Arma 3, a military sandbox game, has been mistaken for actual combat footage and has been used in news reports a number of times due to the realistic nature of the game. by No_Comparison2778
Man, even in the early days of the internet, I remember a co-worker telling me how he wanted to make a website for this exact reason. He was talking about how he wanted to show the images that mainstream media never do, because people need to understand just how serious it is.
Gov't learned after Vietnam that showing the reality of war meant it would become unpopular and cause protests. That's why there's hardly any footage anymore, AND they've stopped reporting on the number of casualties.
chevymonza t1_j1o9nfy wrote
Reply to Cloudhiker: Randomly discover the most interesting, weird or funny websites of the internet like in the old StumbleUpon days by theKovah
Well this got me off Reddit for about an hour, nice!
chevymonza t1_j1kay05 wrote
Reply to comment by AnneNonnyMouse in Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
Isn't it wacky?! I'm looking at a small pile of gifts from relatives in the corner, waiting for tomorrow. Sooo much STUFF in this house, I can't keep up- MIL is constantly offloading stuff she no longer wants on us, plus my mother's stuff after she went to a nursing home, cousins' stuff in the attic, it gets suffocating.
I go to thrift stores to drop stuff off at least every month, and we still have so much.
chevymonza t1_j1gkhtn wrote
Reply to comment by thebestoflimes in Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
The narcissist I used to have in my life was an aggressive gift-giver. I can look around this room and see a bunch of things they bought, but it was obnoxious- essentially taking over all the decor after a while bit by bit.
But of course you can't complain about "generous" gift-givers.
chevymonza t1_j1gavvc wrote
Reply to comment by Saca_Rolha in Snowy Home by freddypie456
Ohhhh so that's what people do with these! Do you have a digital frame brand to recommend?
chevymonza t1_j09jvte wrote
Reply to comment by Suyefuji in [Image] "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” ~ Carl Gustav Jung by Butterflies_Books
I'm in a career rut, and have to fight the PTSD all the time. Always trying to remain neutral in a department fraught with drama and turnover. People get on my case about not taking sides sometimes, but I honestly don't know who to trust most of the time.
chevymonza t1_izqfyo0 wrote
Reply to comment by shamanbaptist in [Image] Audrey Hepburn's take on beauty is beautiful. by Good_Past_5203
That'll do it. I thought it had to do with the war.
chevymonza t1_izq84io wrote
Reply to comment by nhh in [Image] Audrey Hepburn's take on beauty is beautiful. by Good_Past_5203
Not to mention how she was malnourished for a long time as a kid/teenager, I forget exactly why. Damn shame a woman has to be emaciated to be "beautiful."
chevymonza t1_iykcq5w wrote
Reply to comment by 6ed02cc79d in The Giant’s Tooth — Chamonix, France [5304 x 7952] [OC] by chrisk2799
Damn that's a cool photo.
chevymonza t1_iy0nhh3 wrote
Reply to comment by bettinafairchild in Fit to Print (2017) - Documentary that tells the history of how Wall Street greed and lack of foresight lead to the decimation of the newspaper industry and tens of thousands reporters losing their jobs and the eventual erosion of a vital way to hold power accountable. [01:33:47] by thenewsisreal
Probably, but it is pretty insane just how bad most newspaper-sites are.
chevymonza t1_iy0itf0 wrote
Reply to comment by bettinafairchild in Fit to Print (2017) - Documentary that tells the history of how Wall Street greed and lack of foresight lead to the decimation of the newspaper industry and tens of thousands reporters losing their jobs and the eventual erosion of a vital way to hold power accountable. [01:33:47] by thenewsisreal
If they're talking about the websites of the newspapers, then it's true how loaded up with ads those are.
chevymonza t1_iy0ik14 wrote
Reply to comment by tucci007 in Fit to Print (2017) - Documentary that tells the history of how Wall Street greed and lack of foresight lead to the decimation of the newspaper industry and tens of thousands reporters losing their jobs and the eventual erosion of a vital way to hold power accountable. [01:33:47] by thenewsisreal
You forgot about "lede." Or maybe you just buried it.
chevymonza t1_iy0idjb wrote
Reply to comment by GeoffreyArnold in Fit to Print (2017) - Documentary that tells the history of how Wall Street greed and lack of foresight lead to the decimation of the newspaper industry and tens of thousands reporters losing their jobs and the eventual erosion of a vital way to hold power accountable. [01:33:47] by thenewsisreal
US media outlets have been owned by the 1% for quite some time, although most of the propaganda was through "news" fed to stations by the gov't. Now it's Sinclair, Murdoch, Ailes, etc.
One of my relatives is an ivy-educated journalism teacher, and often asks his class to consider both sides of news stories, but he's still pro-Trump and buys into a lot of the related bullshit. I'm floored that he's apparently unaware of the history of Fox, and the control of people like Murdoch.
chevymonza t1_ixxcr37 wrote
Reply to comment by NoodlesrTuff1256 in 'Fame’ and ‘Flashdance’ singer Irene Cara has died aged 63. by Private_Zannon
I don't go out of my way to listen to these two, but their voices are etched into my brain so clearly. I can easily "play back" these songs in my mind, despite not having listened to their songs for a LONG time! Damn shame.
chevymonza t1_iwiul3c wrote
Reply to comment by 4ssteroid in [Image] Found this in a whiteboard. It’s not where you are. by rockefellerbr
That too.
chevymonza t1_iwexi5v wrote
This is nice for the diamonds, but I don't have thousands of years.
chevymonza t1_ivh3i09 wrote
Reply to [Image] Change the narrative. by eagleclaw901
This is another version of "living well is the best revenge."
chevymonza t1_ivh3ffy wrote
Reply to comment by AsloModjo in [Image] Change the narrative. by eagleclaw901
Nice!! It helps to know that the people from your past are mostly gone, buildings get renovated, stores change, etc.
chevymonza t1_jblssc5 wrote
Reply to comment by AmargithHuld in Hidden Gem [image] by ChefGirlRD1738
That sounds wonderful!! I tried to move to Europe after my first visit in my early twenties. Didn't work out, but I've been telling my husband that if his company ever has jobs over yonder, that he needs to consider it!