
choose_an_alt_name t1_j6p6sdk wrote

You missed my point, the people, as in their ethnicity, is basicaly gone, what exists now is mostly a mix involving natives, centuries of african slaves and several waves of asians and europeans, all this groups had a Lot of interacial marriage, to the point it's nearly Impossible to know much about ones roots


choose_an_alt_name t1_j6p2twu wrote

Wrong, the group that carried out the original genocide is long since dead as are the original people who lived here, the ones who currently live here are a mix of several immigration waves that came mainly AFTER slavery was abolished, the ex-slaves, some natives and the decendents of the colonizers, these groups were already mixed before and after so much time there is no longer a simple part of the population that you can point as the ones who did all these things, the remaining natives today are mainly tribes that were not discovered untill much latter, most of the ones that were discovered either died or joined the mix

Or are you going to Tell me the japanese that came at the beggining of the 1900s are guilty of these things?

But that is beside the point while the people here have become something entirely different, you can still point at the general direction where they came, even if most of their names have long since been forgoten


choose_an_alt_name t1_j6o8czt wrote

"pushes glasses" it started around the 1500s with the start of the colonizarion process and it's brutal mismanagement that started the huge wealth inequality, then followed by the millions of slaves from África and the plantations style of agriculture that pratically remains to this day, that created the big farmer class that has considerable influence in politics, and when a president that finally decided to do the much needed reform on the agriculture system, blam, here comes the usa with a coup and the big farmers joined with the military to continue controling the country, after redemocratization the impact of 3 decades of propaganda and dissapearing political oponents can still be felt, on one day when a man runs for presidency with support from the big farmers and the military he wins, Bolsonaro, who then proccededs to do a covert genocide of the remaining natives, this last action was discovered a few days ago


choose_an_alt_name t1_j6nt9eu wrote

I never said peace at any price, i said negotiations are needed and that total victory or defeat aren't the only opitions and that you may need to conceed something to avoid excessive bloodshed, Brazil could have continued to conscript men and take more loans to buy weapons in order to not let Uruguay be independent, but we didn't, it simply wasnt worth it. Solano Lopes did it, he keept not surrendering untill he died, and that ruined his country untill this day, had he started negotiations after being pushed back into his land paraguay would be on much better shape going foward