
chrisms150 t1_jeb8u27 wrote

Literally the city itself states

"Those without a permit may park for only a limited amount of time, which may be no more than a 2-hour period"

If they mean per day they should state per day. But they don't.

Because that's not what is intended.

The ordinance is to prevent long term parking on the street. Not limit total cumulative time you can be doing business in a zone (imagine, for example, a maid sevice doing several houses in the same parking zone)


chrisms150 t1_jeb049q wrote

Plate scanners could record gps coordinates, use an area, then look at times. Was the plate in the same general area at 1pm? Then not again until 5pm with scans at 3 and 4 not registering the plate? Then they weren't there for more than 2 consecutive hours.

Will it have false negatives if as the scanners going across it misses you? (Say, someone walking and blocking the image) sure. But that's a better outcome than ticketing wrongly.

Seems feasible to me?

Re: parking mid air. Please don't start with strawmen. If the ordinance is 2 hours per day, adding per day is not a ridiculous requirement. The signage should convey the ordinances accurately.


chrisms150 t1_j98hb2p wrote

> A local reputable dealer that has recently inspected the vehicle.

Not gonna disagree with carvana being sketchy financials right now.

But absolutely do not trust any dealer to inspect the car they're selling you... Always take it to a trusted 3rd party.

(doesn't apply if you're buying CPO I guess, since that comes with warranties I suppose)


chrisms150 t1_j5d2r35 wrote

> I'll park right at the exit gate.

Last time I was at the airport there were two cars basically parked at the two entrance gates. Both were stopped for a long time... thought something was wrong. One in front of my finally backed out (I gave a ton of room because I saw both were occupied with no one leaning out, was curious what was going on so I hung back a bit) and reversed out the entrance a bit. .. okay weird. I figure the gates broken, but like a good human I gotta try myself... gate works fine...

Still have no idea wtf both of them were doing, or how two idiots found each other at the right place and time.


chrisms150 t1_j2f4sb2 wrote

Depending on the age of the house/HVAC it could very well be used as the vent for your furnace. Cracks in the brick/motor joints may be leaking CO into your living space. Worth finding out where your furnace vents to. You could also have animals living in it if it hasn't been used in a while. But outside that, it's not dangerous if you don't light a fire.


chrisms150 t1_j0n82rw wrote

Yep, it's bullshit. Just because you paid $5 and a pack of chewing gum for your house in 1950 doesn't mean it's worth that today. Property tax should be on the current value. Otherwise you discourage new people moving in significantly.


chrisms150 t1_iug5h95 wrote

I'm right there with you.

I'm not in Jersey anymore (sorry... I have PA plates... I'm so sorry.) - but my area has NO trick or treating at all. Not a single kid has rung my doorbell in 3 fucking years. I fucking hate how we've gotten rid of kids being kids in every aspect - halloween included.

Please. I have a bunch of full-sized bars just in case - save me from my fatness! Come ring my door with awesome costumes!