chrisms150 t1_jeb049q wrote
Reply to comment by esushi in Question: Does this sign mean I need a permit to park there period? by wisperino345
Plate scanners could record gps coordinates, use an area, then look at times. Was the plate in the same general area at 1pm? Then not again until 5pm with scans at 3 and 4 not registering the plate? Then they weren't there for more than 2 consecutive hours.
Will it have false negatives if as the scanners going across it misses you? (Say, someone walking and blocking the image) sure. But that's a better outcome than ticketing wrongly.
Seems feasible to me?
Re: parking mid air. Please don't start with strawmen. If the ordinance is 2 hours per day, adding per day is not a ridiculous requirement. The signage should convey the ordinances accurately.
chrisms150 t1_jeaqmgf wrote
Reply to comment by esushi in Question: Does this sign mean I need a permit to park there period? by wisperino345
I don't think many people interpret these signs as 2 hours per day. The sign should say per day in that case.
"15 min loading zones" have the same language. Should you only be allowed to load/unload once per vehicle per day?
chrisms150 t1_jeahblu wrote
Reply to comment by threwthelookinggrass in Question: Does this sign mean I need a permit to park there period? by wisperino345
Which does raise another question, let's say i parked for 2 hours at 10-12. Then came back to another u zone at 4pm. Would that trigger their system?
chrisms150 t1_je11zjt wrote
Reply to comment by Whats_A_Rage_Quit in Be careful out there by Snoo_35864
Does it not wash out?
chrisms150 t1_jdvigp1 wrote
Reply to comment by PM_ME_FUNFAX in TIL Jimmy Carter signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, the single largest expansion of protected lands in history which more than doubled the size of the National Parks System by Guardax
The Iran hostage situation that they're finally admitting was sabotage from Reagan's campaign?
That hostage situation?
chrisms150 t1_jd1emh7 wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in Getting rid of a safe by Meowieewowiee4200
Nah, post it for $5 and someone will come and ask for it for free.
chrisms150 t1_jaubu8q wrote
Reply to Killing in the Name of karaoke by walkwalkwalkwalk
What the fuck is the point of "shorts" on youtube.
No sound controls. No seek. Just a fucking shittier version of youtube.
damn kids ruining everything with their tiktok-ification.
chrisms150 t1_ja9b53i wrote
Reply to comment by enemy_of_your_enema in Someone keeps parking these stupid scooters in my driveway. Am I allowed to throw them out/move them/run them over? It makes it hard to leave my house by Hotsawce
That's how you get spicy garbage trucks
chrisms150 t1_j98hb2p wrote
Reply to comment by uglybushes in Need a good PPI inspection done for a vehicle I'm buying from Carvana? by fobreezee
> A local reputable dealer that has recently inspected the vehicle.
Not gonna disagree with carvana being sketchy financials right now.
But absolutely do not trust any dealer to inspect the car they're selling you... Always take it to a trusted 3rd party.
(doesn't apply if you're buying CPO I guess, since that comes with warranties I suppose)
chrisms150 t1_j5d2r35 wrote
Reply to comment by Jumpy-Natural4868 in Seen today in the extended parking lot at the airport by s_kelly210
> I'll park right at the exit gate.
Last time I was at the airport there were two cars basically parked at the two entrance gates. Both were stopped for a long time... thought something was wrong. One in front of my finally backed out (I gave a ton of room because I saw both were occupied with no one leaning out, was curious what was going on so I hung back a bit) and reversed out the entrance a bit. .. okay weird. I figure the gates broken, but like a good human I gotta try myself... gate works fine...
Still have no idea wtf both of them were doing, or how two idiots found each other at the right place and time.
chrisms150 t1_j3xn524 wrote
Reply to comment by positivecynik in 'I'm scared to give it to my kids': Baltimore's water issues are symptoms of a growing national problem by GovernorOfReddit
It's a pretty shit plan if they actually planned it.
Great, the country fell apart. You made a ton of money. But no where in the world is isolated from the fallout (potentially literally) of a destabilized US....
chrisms150 t1_j2f4sb2 wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowRASalt_Bit_2781 in Fireplace question by ThrowRASalt_Bit_2781
Depending on the age of the house/HVAC it could very well be used as the vent for your furnace. Cracks in the brick/motor joints may be leaking CO into your living space. Worth finding out where your furnace vents to. You could also have animals living in it if it hasn't been used in a while. But outside that, it's not dangerous if you don't light a fire.
chrisms150 t1_j16kxii wrote
Reply to comment by kaisaline in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
What the hell is the ribbon for then. The ribbon used to have meaning when I was a kid shakes old fist
chrisms150 t1_j0n82rw wrote
Reply to comment by tesla3by3 in NY Times lists Pittsburgh as having some of the most affordable homes in the country as compared to household income. ( by Far_Room23
Yep, it's bullshit. Just because you paid $5 and a pack of chewing gum for your house in 1950 doesn't mean it's worth that today. Property tax should be on the current value. Otherwise you discourage new people moving in significantly.
chrisms150 t1_ixycxgx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in S.Korea's new COVID-19 cases in 50,000 range amid winter resurgence worries by 4inalfantasy
Does 50k cases sound now alarming to you when your consider some portion of them don't die but have life altering effects develop?
What about all the cardiovascular damage that doesn't have an immediate impact? Should we ignore that too since you don't die acutely?
chrisms150 t1_iw9aodi wrote
Reply to comment by alquix in Gotta love Giant Eagle. What a sale.... by kniki217
We desperately need more grocery competition in the area.
Would love for a gaint or wegmans to move in.
chrisms150 t1_iuwctfc wrote
Reply to comment by jennanm in UN: Global warming to melt major glaciers by 2050, including Yosemite's by BollocksAsBalls
A non zero part of me wants to travel to see it in person
Knowing completely well that my travel is needles and only adding to the carbon that will destroy it... So I probably won't but man I'd love to see it in person
chrisms150 t1_iuhgp89 wrote
Reply to comment by daedalus_was_right in When I see families trick or treating on the Sunday before Halloween by TimSPC
Nothing was going on in 19.
chrisms150 t1_iug5h95 wrote
Reply to comment by itsaboutpasta in When I see families trick or treating on the Sunday before Halloween by TimSPC
I'm right there with you.
I'm not in Jersey anymore (sorry... I have PA plates... I'm so sorry.) - but my area has NO trick or treating at all. Not a single kid has rung my doorbell in 3 fucking years. I fucking hate how we've gotten rid of kids being kids in every aspect - halloween included.
Please. I have a bunch of full-sized bars just in case - save me from my fatness! Come ring my door with awesome costumes!
chrisms150 t1_iu3xjra wrote
Reply to comment by itsashortcut in Seen earlier today. by ThanksNew9906
Yep totally at 25% capacity.
chrisms150 t1_ity2tkk wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in Why is 28 the most dysfunctional road ever designed? by sudosudoku
Oh, i meant they stop you from "cutting" but in reality you are taking that exit
chrisms150 t1_itut895 wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in Why is 28 the most dysfunctional road ever designed? by sudosudoku
Or better yet. You actually take that exit.
chrisms150 t1_is5qcjq wrote
I protest the use of HIMARS in military excercises also.
That's less we can give Ukraine to repel the invaders.
chrisms150 t1_jeb8u27 wrote
Reply to comment by esushi in Question: Does this sign mean I need a permit to park there period? by wisperino345
Literally the city itself states
"Those without a permit may park for only a limited amount of time, which may be no more than a 2-hour period"
If they mean per day they should state per day. But they don't.
Because that's not what is intended.
The ordinance is to prevent long term parking on the street. Not limit total cumulative time you can be doing business in a zone (imagine, for example, a maid sevice doing several houses in the same parking zone)