
chrisphoenix08 t1_j21agxf wrote

Well, really good for you. I do confide with my cousins when we're drinking, and it's certainly liberating even just for a bit, unlike before wherein I just bottled it up, and if it was too much, I thought of suicidal thoughts or kept beating myself up.... Or masturbation, hahahahaha, kidding...

I don't have money for psychiatric help, living in a 3rd World Country; and I know friends/family/romantic relations are not a substitute for this, but to vent out your frustrations and other negative thoughts to someone, at least for me, lessens that emotional baggage.


chrisphoenix08 t1_j1z47i1 wrote

>Social Support

This. Men most likely won't seek emotional comfort on what they're going through, which may lead to depression, mental illness to suicide.

It's hard to show emotion if you're a man, when people see it as weakness, unmanliness (gay, LOL), or just completely disregard it.

Sometimes I envy women, wherein they can confide with their friends with these kinds of situations.