
christinems4280 t1_j94pw0i wrote

I love how accessible everything is. Most things are walkable and if they aren’t, easy to get to via light rail or PATH. I love the proximity to Manhattan for work - my commute was cut in half moving here. I love the diversity of the population and the community of people here. Everyone I’ve met has been so lovely. The food! Happy hours here are great, much more chill than being in the city or down the shore.

If there’s one immediate thing I could change and banish off the planet it would be the hell that is the Communipaw/1&9/440 clusterfuck of an intersection.


christinems4280 t1_j8yyowr wrote

Yes, choose. You can pay for garage or lot space and avoid any street tickets entirely. Or you can sell your car. All of this a choice. A couple of tickets in the grand scheme of things isn’t a huge deal. Posting this thinking you’re in the right because you leave your car sitting for a week is absurd. You know the rules. Follow them. Or pay the ticket.


christinems4280 t1_j3ndoub wrote

The comment wasn’t deleted. He was blocked.

Which still not a huge deal but it is hella irritating when you’re participating in a discussion and someone replies to you, then blocks you, and you can’t respond.

But. Life goes on.


christinems4280 t1_j1zf7es wrote

I get your frustration. But. The fact is you violated the rules and were forced to face a minor inconvenience (not even a consequence) as a result.

This is the chance you take when you break the rules. Deal with it and move on.