
christopherj567 t1_jduyc72 wrote

As a former rabid apple hater long ago converted to the cult (and I use that tongue in cheek) by the fateful gifting of an iPod oh so many years ago, my first “smart” phone was android but quickly got replaced thereafter by, oh, I don’t recall exactly, iPhone 3? 4? Anyway, I can’t count the number of Apple products I own, have owned and probably will continue to own. My point in saying all this is that I recently picked up a new-ish android because there is 1 particular app I wanted to run that is only available on android. I can’t tell you what model it is, it is a Samsung, maybe 3 years old at this point and I hate almost everything about it. I find it confusing, and unintuitive and s-l-o-w. (And frankly iOS isn’t what it once was, I think they have lost their way as well) but all of that is to say, if you find that android meets your needs, and it is what you are used to, and you like it, then use it. I would argue there are many excellent things about android and there are many excellent things about iOS. Both also have their fair share of problems too, but, the one that works for you, and meets your needs, and gives you joy is the one you should choose without guilt, without remorse, and in spite of what anyone else tries to tell you. Best phone is phone that works for your use case. That’s my take.