
chronicwisdom t1_j9urpl8 wrote

The argument is that those laws also exist in countries that have allowed soldiers to volunteer in Ukraine without legal repercussions. If Switzerland is the only country choosing to prosecute soldiers who volunteer in Ukraine, then it's as likely there's some conflict of interest involved as it is that Switzerland is more committed to rule of law than its European peers.


chronicwisdom t1_j28hfcf wrote

The Tooze played Sloth?!?! Aside from HOFers, I've always thought of Tooze as one of the players that epitomized the AL Davis era, "Just Win Baby" and don't worry what anyone outside the org. thinks of you. I remember reading an article about how hard he partied before the SB XV 20 years ago...legend.


chronicwisdom t1_j21pe33 wrote

Sick Kids is asking for donations and he's in Toronto, Scarborough General is also in dire need of funding. He's entitled to spend his money on wacky bullshit and the rest of us are entitled to criticize what he did with $28 million dollars when our economy is struggling.