
citydreadfulnight OP t1_jdps07g wrote

Thank you. I think Musk's proposal with Neuralink will separate the old and new race of humans. This and genetic modification, trans-humanism, cybernetics, etc. A forced "evolutionary" adapt or die decision for people to make. This ends free will and independent consciousness, so any risk of resistance or revolution. The one's who don't adapt, simply go extinct.

On the economy, automation would drastically reduce a necessity for large populations. Their mission is a self replicating system, for their personal enjoyment. Robots which build and maintain their own numbers. The consumptive resources (carbon) required for human labor, they'd rather cut out altogether.

Once a monopoly amasses every scrap of resource possible, their purpose no longer becomes profit (which only has advantages when there is a free market to compete in), but maintenance of control.

I think Brave New World is one side of their vision. We can see it plainly in modern culture, along with 1984's mass surveillance, open air prison grid. There's too much evidence they see the population as property to be done away with once they've reached their desired end.


citydreadfulnight OP t1_jdpoir9 wrote

The market system has worked favorably for major corporations to consolidate from thousands in free competition into a handful, thanks to cronyism. "Competition is a sin." The majority of working capital in a few hands, and the working class living hand to mouth (the little capital they possess funneled back into conglomerate bank indices), there's an ever intensifying cartel system.

Capital has concentrated to the point where the market becomes a monopoly, which puts people in utter dependence. If AI eats the lunch of the remaining free market (small-mid business), there is no advantage for capital to maintain a high or growing population, as they've already achieved complete domination. They would rather have a small manageable number of the most destitute and compliant, which is why war and immigration from the poorest nations is Western hegemony's number one priority. And we see from every "democratic" country, policy to decimate native birthrates through cultural and legislative genocide.


citydreadfulnight OP t1_jd1vkva wrote

Hi, thanks for the comment. Even though AI so far has been in the hands of capital, with billions in investment, there may be free AI alternatives able to compete with theirs. In that case, capital would not have a monopoly over AI software. But, they still would have an advantage in hardware required to run these systems, and everything shifting into cloud computing, they may maintain control for the foreseeable future.