
cjh32495 OP t1_jb1r0wj wrote

Reply to comment by NotBatman81 in When you go camping by cjh32495

Yeah I can see that. But sleeping pads that are lighter and easy to inflate might be worth it. The foam pads tend to be heavier than these anyway. But obviously it comes with a greater expense. But I’m with you on the stand up tents. While it’s kinda nice to stand, it doesn’t feel as authentic or immersive


cjh32495 OP t1_jasxzua wrote

Reply to comment by ActionFalcon in When you go camping by cjh32495

Yeah I know I could post it to a camping sub or something, but I didn’t want to because like those people are more serious. Like they probly have their $2,000 camping setup for backpacking materials and whatever else. I’m just wanting to know more about your average regular person. Not like people who are hardcore camping enthusiasts. Just a more broad idea.