climatelurker t1_jaisp0v wrote
Reply to comment by Obi_van_Knobi in [OC] How much Arctic sea ice has melted from the 1980s to now by gridnews
I like this graph.
climatelurker t1_j9hsdxz wrote
Also, not being wonderful at math in high school doesn't mean you won't do well at it in college. It depends on how much you are willing to work at it.
climatelurker t1_j6fikq7 wrote
I really like the moodiness of this one!
climatelurker t1_j4bbcf0 wrote
The thing about his joke was that it was only half a joke. He thought it was funny AND he meant it.
climatelurker t1_j24yiz2 wrote
It feels like a vice grip around your entire middle section pinching your muscles extremely hard, but also with a strong burning sensation to go with it. Or that was what it felt like to me.
climatelurker t1_ixm5dkm wrote
Reply to comment by thegreenpeppers in TIL the oldest cat ever lived to 38 years and 3 days - 1967 to 2005. by TrevorIsTheGOAT
This brings up a good point. My brother seems to mentally extend the lives of his dogs past how long they actually lived. I don't think he realizes he's doing it.
climatelurker t1_ivexfza wrote
I now need to visit this lake. Gorgeous!
climatelurker t1_jegkogx wrote
Reply to comment by vjeuss in A Timeline Of The Earths Average Temperature - Since The Last Ice Age Glaciation. by Ok_Satisfaction6810
Also known as just 7.2f