
cloudcrafterzNYC t1_jbxpqvh wrote

Upvote for link and advisements. It’s better to be wrong and alive than correct and dead is accurate and in NY you SHOULD wait until you have the legal counsel before “fighting” your arrest even if NYPD violates use of force guidelines making resisting a defensible action.

My first arrest ever, the cop tried to throw me down some stairs but I managed to balance myself and they ended up getting hurt. I got charged with assault on an officer while resisting arrest. At arraignment the judge asked what the initial arrest was for and LUCKILY the cops in my case didn’t think that far ahead so my felony charges disappeared and I ended up with a violation for harassment of an officer. I hear you and I agree with your advice in theory, but I have also lived my life.


cloudcrafterzNYC t1_j6058f3 wrote

No, you’re emotionally connected, not confused. The United States of America is not the same as the nations the existed here before. Did those nations have infrastructure, agriculture, education and governmental services? Yeah absolutely. Then. Colonizers gonna colonize though so now those nations aren’t the ruling governments anymore. The United States has a say btw, not me.