
cmickledev t1_iy11rnl wrote

Best explanation I found as to how / why it truly matters is that if you're at 90% Volume on a song because your phone can't power your headphones all the way.

Say you're listening to a song with a very high dynamic range like something classical or some Jazz.

The soft portions of the song that are very quiet all the way to the loud booming portions could have a difference of 25db.

When you're at 90%volume, your headphones can't put out more than the Maximum, and so you lose out on all that extra detail and range the song has.

And when your headphones aren't powered enough to bring that low small whisper portion of a song into an audible level, and then be able to bring the louder booming portions into it as well, then you're losing out on either the sound from the quiet tones or the more loud higher details. And when it's not properly powered, that's the issue you struggle with and face.

There may be some flaws with this, I'm not an engineer. This is my understanding after reading a fair amount on it and asking some similar questions.


cmickledev t1_iwiifr3 wrote

Grab the Fidelio X2hr's. I picked them up and love them. Incredible sound stage which is fantastic for gaming, plus nice warm lovely bass. Solid imaging. They are open backs though, which helps a lot for sound stage and immersion, but if there's a bunch of background noise and you're not making yourself deaf with volume you can hear it.

They are also easy enough to drive that you can use them with PS5 controller, or Xbox controller. Laptop etc. But they can benefit still from some amplification to give headroom for songs with more dynamic range.

The difference you'll hear from this or most any of the recommendations here, compared to what you had will be insane.

Do update with what you get and your first impressions etc. Always fun to hear when someone goes from washed out muddy sound to something nice and resolving.


cmickledev t1_iwihryx wrote

IEM's are in ear monitors, basically means earbuds... Headphones that go into your ear canal. You don't get as good of a sound stage, especially compared to open backs, but bass is generally very good, and you can have passive isolation which is nice. Also can be helpful if you wear glasses, or if you want low profile / compact or mobile.


cmickledev t1_iwa7329 wrote

You can use peace UI + equalizer APO and there's a ton of different DSP you can get and use for free utilizing HeSuVi, it's what I use, works very well, and you get to keep and use your eq settings as well.


cmickledev t1_iw3uaq4 wrote

In tournaments are there restrictions for the systems you use? Everyone plays with the same gear so the gear doesn't cause a handicap for example?


cmickledev t1_iw3t8td wrote

Not playing warzone, and never tried it. But got my first good pair of audiophile headphones with the Fidelio X2hr's, and trying gaming with them in general was an entirely new, and awesome experience. With Tomb Raider and Cyberpunk 2077, super immersive and fun, and the soundstage and imaging is really great and just makes it feel much better to play. My brother has a 5.1 surround sound box setup with a sound bar and I much prefer my X2hr's over that still.

No clue why these surround sound box things with the mini speakers are even popular with consumers.


cmickledev t1_iw0a381 wrote

What makes their cable bad?

What makes a cable in general bad? Other than being microphonic... (Believe that's the term, you touch the cable and can hear the sound in the headphones. Makes me want to use the cable to strangle someone)