
cmoney1142 t1_jap9qs1 wrote

In the 90s, burger King introduced the 1/3 pounder with cheese to compete with the 1/4 pounder with cheese.

It failed. Feedback said that the consumer thought they were getting ripped off.

They thought they were buying a smaller burger.

The average person is a complete moron.

The average dog owner is as lazy and stupid as every other average American. Emphasis on lazy.

At best, half of them think to clean it up. At best. Half the country thought 1/3 was less than 1/4th


cmoney1142 t1_iww4079 wrote

It's possible the conductor found it n has had the last two days off. Happens all the time. I'm a conductor n we find people's shit all the time n have to hold on to it until we go back to work.

Which train was it exactly, I might be able to find out who was working.

It's also possible a bad passenger was the one who found it n scooped it up for themselves