
cobaltcrazy207 t1_j6vlsx1 wrote

Having worked in several, the issue is the companies that run them.. they run a skeleton staff on purpose and underpay everyone so they can pocket the lion's share of the income while providing only the most basic service (and sometimes not even that).


cobaltcrazy207 t1_j19jgiz wrote

Reply to comment by sledbelly in Kennebunk Walgreens by [deleted]

I stopped into one because I didn't feel like driving to Walmart just to pick up some insoles for my work boots and a pack of batteries for my headlamp. $36 after tax, actual robbery. One employee on the front end, U-boats full of freight all over the aisles and nobody behind the counter for their photo booth. No idea how they stay in business in general, paying their employees as low as they can get away with and having everything horrendously overpriced. Good riddance.