
colourcodedcandy t1_j8138i4 wrote


colourcodedcandy t1_j7u9amy wrote

That's the city's problem - perhaps the city needs to stop calling other parts of the country inhumane for sending migrants to NYC and then following it up by bussing them to Canada. I'm not saying NYC has the resources to deal with it or whatever, but this is deeply hypocritical


colourcodedcandy t1_j7pp5tt wrote

I'm absolutely not saying TX handles the crisis reasonably and they definitely need to stop sending more people elsewhere because they do get federal funding to handle this.

I'm mainly talking about people's perceptions towards immigrants changing, which is sad to see, and potentially proving republicans right when they say you will change your tune when you have migrants come to your city. I find the anger in this thread (and many others of late) to be misdirected towards the migrants than the city/government. I agree with your take in general, but I find many others are just blaming the migrants.


colourcodedcandy t1_izg1weh wrote

Do you realize why landlords have so much power? Because the supply is restricted. Even peer reviewed research doesn’t seem to get through people like you.


colourcodedcandy t1_isdnn45 wrote

Well it’s not really the looks as much as the motivation behind the (far?) left (I’m liberal) wanting everything to be ripped out and transformed from the ground up. Abolish the police, all men are trash, or in the case of these protesters, gentrification kills. It’s not that there is absolutely no merit to any of their arguments - it’s that the extreme stances reduce them to caricatures that most people trying to go about their day (center of the spectrum) couldn’t care for. It’s not like these ideas “look bad”, some of them just lack nuance. There is good evidence from economists on building more and increasing supply even if they are “luxury” units because it reduces neighborhood housing prices. Rent control isn’t a good idea even according to Brookings but you won’t find any dearth of people railing against capitalism calling for rent controlling ALL units on r/nyc. (Before you come at me, I’m a brown liberal but not an American, if i could I would vote blue always.)


colourcodedcandy t1_isbv3or wrote

They also want to abolish Penn police (many of whom are black btw) ….

Some time ago there was someone complaining on the penn subreddit about all the service staff being largely black despite the demographics of west philly being largely black. And had they not been black they would’ve probably complained about hiring white people and not giving jobs to POC. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


colourcodedcandy t1_ir1rqve wrote

While I understand and agree with your point, college students graduate and go where their friends go. And sadly the bay area, chicago, and nyc have been made into hubs for students to move to for various reasons and philly just doesn’t have the same appeal. A lot of this is based on perception and I always say philly has a lot of potential but needs a lot of good marketing/propaganda to hype it up (tbh I would live here though I’m not sure I would raise a child here - “gritty” is not appealing)