
comfortablyflawed t1_j82qs23 wrote

You can't have birth control, you can't have an abortion, you can't have the morning after pill, it's the law that your kids go to underfunded, under resourced schools, where we will make sure they learn exactly enough to be heartbreakingly ignorant and ill equipped for even normal functioning in the real world, never mind a career, but will ensure they are laughably stupid everywhere outside their own zipcode; we're not going to make it possible for you to afford child care so you can go to the job that won't pay you enough to afford adequate housing or enough food for your kids, never mind sports or enrichment activities, aaaaand... not only are we taking no steps whatsoever to protect your child from being shot, we're actually going to change the law so that the odds of it happening go way, way up.

Family values!! Enjoy parenting! (Oh... hope your kid is CIS/ heteronormative, and white, without any learning disabilities are other challenges, because those are whole other, separate paragraphs of what kind of hell we'll cheerfully inflict on you all. Anyway, again, enjoy parenting!)

The greatest evidence that the Republicans know global warming is real and there is going to be no more planet in the next 20 to 30 years is how unabashedly they keep proving they don't give one shit about how stupid and amoral they look, and make America look on the world stage