
coredenale t1_j9pk4kk wrote

The bit along Orleans might be the part to stay alert the most. More and more it seems people are driving around looking for people to rob rather than lying in wait in some dark alley. Kinda make sense, as they will have a lot more potential targets and immediate access to a quick getaway.


coredenale t1_iwuqzay wrote

In the past, I've just signed up for Triple A, or renewed it, and then said, "Oh, btw, can you also send me a tow truck?" Because you get 1 free tow a year, for like the $50 Triple A yearly fee, that you can then cancel.

Not sure if it still works this way 10+ year old numbers), but it was a pretty solid deal whenever I used it.


coredenale t1_irtaqru wrote

I've wondered this as well.

Honestly though, while I love that for my other bills, Baltimore has a pretty bad track record.

I constantly hear stories of water bills being insanely high. That alone is not always a big deal, as that can be legit, but when it happens, it would make sense for the city to reach out to confirm, or at least give a heads up. Instead, the city appears to 100% rely on owners to catch any issues with their bill.

On top of that, the city recently got hacked.

It just seems like a bad idea to trust the city with auto-billing, which really should not be the case.


coredenale t1_ir58kbc wrote

It's also weird and bullshit that your car be towed, for reasons you are unaware of (assuming it's even legit), and then you have to start a journey. Was it stolen? Was it towed? If towed, how to find it?

The city has all the info they need from the license plate to mail or text you the info, but the tow truck company has every incentive for you not to know, as they charge you for every day your car is in their lot.

It's mental that any law enforcement process is not handled by actual city employees. Private business always has other incentives. Towing should be done by the city. Red light/speed cameras should be implemented by the city. Private prisons should never exist. And yeah, there should never be any private police.