
cosmin_c t1_j907l8l wrote

More pics here of the stands :)


Edit: these and the ones that u/rulz-ro posted are basically the IKEA white colour, but depending on preference they're printable in any PLA one wants - or ABS (smoothable by acetone vapour) or resin. Unfortunately I'm still working out the kinks of clear resin, unfortunately I haven't yet produced a satisfactory clear white/frosted one yet albeit plenty of tries, I've yet to pinpoint a good resin and processing process that would yield satisfactory results (still working on it).


cosmin_c t1_j6k2ykj wrote

I sympathise with this. All the books I bought for myself are hardcovers except those I couldn't find them in this format and I had to buy paperbacks. I like the feeling of reading hardcovers and they sit much better on the shelf and they seem to deform less when read (spines on paperbacks are terrible).


cosmin_c t1_iy2mzyi wrote

You are confusing keycaps with layouts and layers. You can always buy a CRP set with keycaps with greek legends but that won’t make your keyboard actually output them.

At the same time if your keyboard uses QMK you can always use a greek layout on a layer.

Or use a greek layout from your OS settings.

Of course you can do all three but it isn’t the manufacturers fault for not providing for your specific needs, apparently greek is more niche than hiragana :)