
cowlinator t1_j3a4o3k wrote

After I left religion, I completely stopped thinking of my decisions (and how they relate to my lofty goals vs primal drives) in terms of "temptation". It almost feels like a foreign concept to me anymore.

I think about why I'm making a choice, what effect it has, who it might harm/help, and whether it will make me happy. It comes much more naturally, and decisions don't feel like a struggle.

Trying to suppress thoughts or feelings is fruitless, because errant thoughts and desires that run counter to our goals are natural products of any human brain.

Instead, take them as valuable input, and then make your decision. Will you obey the errant thought, or will you proceed with your goal in spite of it? It doesn't matter either way, as long as you're happy with the outcome.


cowlinator t1_j2ubn3d wrote

> Pessimism will never be as motivating as telling people about the bright future ahead if they <xyz>

But this is a false dichotomy. There is no reason to tell people that they must do anything unless there is something to dread.


Assume that leading AI experts recommend halting advancement of super-human AI due to the danger of hostile AI.

"If you pass this law to prevent the further advancement of super-human AI, then the singularity will not reshape the world."

This does not mention any danger, and thus implies that if they do not prevent the advancement of super-human AI, there will likewise also be good consequences.


cowlinator t1_j1a8qp7 wrote

The example is given that the jury trusted the pediatrician for statistics but wouldnt for engineering.

I think that sometimes people have a hard time even identifying which concerns fall into which disciplines in the first place.

The article states that pediatricians are novices at statistics, and frankly this surprised me. I did not know that a medical degree involves little knowledge of statistics. I would expect that a doctor should understand the principle of independence since it affects diagnosis.


cowlinator t1_iw1gsj0 wrote

It is analogous tho. We know that this is one of the purposes of sleep in biological brains.

Also, neural net memory is not stored as data in the same way that it is stored on a conventional computer. The memory is in the weights of the model of the network. This is not trivial to "save" or "load". I dont think such a thing has been done before


cowlinator t1_ive8pvd wrote

Pumped hydroelectricity storage is 87% efficient, but requires huge reservoirs. A brand new lithium ion battery is 88% efficient, but this goes down significantly over the battery lifespan. The efficiency of mechanical gravity storage systems varies widely but is usually under 80%


cowlinator t1_ivc7tel wrote

>Your (descriptive) pain does nothing to spur action in me.

Then you would be a rarity among humans.

Most humans who observe outward obvious indications of suffering are often innately compelled to action. We call this "sympathy", and it even comes with rational justifications.
