
cpuenvy t1_jdt5csb wrote

Hey over there upside-down New Hampshirites! I love town meeting day here over the river, it gives us a chance to see our neighbors and vote yes or no on town spending packages. We can all be a part of democracy and work on local issues and other things we have more control over. We can also get up and make a town-wide spectacle out of ourselves at the microphone as some often do!


cpuenvy t1_j6jreie wrote

Downtown Plymouth is the mecca for this bullshit. You can't get through Main Street without someone in front of you stopping for a car trying to back out or merge. This behavior basically gridlocks traffic in the downtown area for long periods of time. When I ran a business there it drove me bananas.


cpuenvy t1_iz76ed3 wrote

I just love how Market Basket slices up fruit, then puts it onto a Styrofoam board and wraps that in plastic.


Aside from their gross Styrofoam, I like how they give locals jobs and how the employees have a raging boner for Artie. He must be doing something right because they went to bat for him big time.