
crackeddryice t1_j31wty2 wrote

Well designed plastic items can last a long time. My plastic garbage bin sits outside all year long--100F to 0F--and it's fine after 24 years.

I'm sure plastic things that break are either poorly designed for their purpose, or designed to some minimum spec that is expected by the designer to break after so much time or use.


crackeddryice t1_j1bzblo wrote

The only one I have is in my computer. It's from my previous build, but still worked, so I put it in this computer. It's about eight years old now. However, I still do rarely use it. Some movies I want to see aren't available any other way.

I can't think of any need for a laser scanning microscope--I think I'd rather not know, if you know what I mean.


crackeddryice t1_iz1srgl wrote

My dad worked graveyard and ran a fan in his bedroom during the day to help mask the noise while he slept.

He had an old GE fan like this when I was very young, I remember it clearly, for some reason even though it was 50 years ago.

I guess at some point it gave up, because I remember later he had one like OPs, and I'm pretty sure he still had it when he died a few years ago.


crackeddryice t1_ixstebx wrote

I had a big blue wagon, no brand I remember. We'd load it up with I-don't-remember-what and pull it around the neighborhood to various "secret" spots. One was an open space in the middle of a large bush. Around this same age, we'd steal oranges off the tree in my neighbor's front yard (CA).

As kids, we had zero respect for property boundaries, we'd hop fences to play with dogs and play on swing sets we didn't own, cut across yards, climb any tree we wanted to. I don't remember anyone giving us grief for this--except for stealing the oranges, but we were just quieter about it after that. The neighborhood was our playground, and so many houses had kids, it was almost like we were one big family.

Before I could ride a bike, I'd hang one leg out and push it around, steering with the handle.


crackeddryice t1_iqtodmw wrote

"The old man said to design a guard for the screw so people don't catch their sleeves and whatnot in it. What should we make it out of?"

"Steel. Quarter-inch hardened steel, like everything else."