
cracker707 t1_j9y50lu wrote

Christie heavily increased the gas tax, which hurts working class more, and former PA Gov Corbett (also R) increased it for PA by a huge amount (because he didn’t want to increase taxes on fracking corps even tho that new and exploding truck traffic was tearing up the roads, not passenger cars). I can’t think of one republican that has ever made any noticeable affect on the decreasing of my tax rate. Can anyone else??? Trump supposedly greatly decreased taxes but I guess I’m not wealthy enough for it to have affected me personally.


cracker707 t1_ixymroz wrote

List of things that aren’t recyclable but that my downstairs neighbors continue to throw in our recycling bins despite my previous attempts to explain: pizza boxes (greasy), plastic bags, fast food containers, plastic from any product packaging, glossy magazines, your recycling thrown into garbage bags, old brooms, old vacuums, etc. If you throw any of those things into your recycling bin the assortment center just diverts all that into the garbage. Anyone know how many factories in the US take used plastic and turn it into new products on a mass scale? 1 factory does that here and they only process used water bottles. Clean metal, clean cardboard, and plastic water bottles are recycled, if they even make it to a facility, and everything else is just some 3rd world country’s trash.


cracker707 t1_iwzxqvq wrote

Reply to comment by SpeedySpooley in Atlantic City by lilBob1989

That part of the Inlet fell victim to some 1960’s urban planner’s urban renewal program, which was popular in midcentury America, and razed a lot of the buildings there clearing the land in the hopes that investors would come in and build on fresh lots.