
craeftsmith t1_j9cscsv wrote

This is probably a small thing, but I know of one job that got eliminated by ChatGPT. I was doing a research project, and encountered a topic I didn't understand. Normally, we would have hired a grad student to do the research. I tried ChatGPT instead, and was able to solve all the research hurdles. I saved my employer about $15k by doing that.

I don't know how scary that is. If I was the grad student, I would be upset.


craeftsmith t1_j7bkxxv wrote

I agree that right now, surplus productivity must be destroyed. In 1984, surplus productivity was destroyed by endless war. Right now, it is destroyed by making less durable products. I don't know of any attempts to destroy the surplus by making workers less productive, eg, only work two days a week.

I think it would be better if we could circumvent the need to destroy excess productivity, but I have no idea how to do that.


craeftsmith t1_j4c0glt wrote

Overall, you are on the right track. I want to add that sucrose (table sugar) is made up of a glucose molecule attached to a fructose molecule. One of the things saliva does is to separate the glucose from the fructose.

Fructose is the main sugar found in fruit (thus its name). It isn't correct to uniformly say fructose is bad for you. It's the type of sugar people mostly consumed before sucrose became available.

Here is a reasonably reputable link that describes everything in more detail

At the bottom, they talk about how the presence of glucose increases the rate of fructose absorption, which is likely to be the actual problem, as opposed to fructose itself.