
crazyhadron t1_jdqgmxj wrote

Probably because rearing a male child takes way more resources than a female child, so a woman's body would generally abort a male fetus if she was starving and unable to bear the burden.

In modern times, due to access to far better nutrition, this innate adaptation has swung the other way.

Nah, I'm just talking out of my ass.


crazyhadron t1_jdb383i wrote

lol no unless you plant the rice in the fucking river, you have to have mechanisms to pump that water out into the fields. And precisely control the level of water as well.

Also, white rice is a very recent cultivar. Black and red rice used to be the norm, and they tasted like crap.


crazyhadron t1_jd8jwvp wrote

Well, the west is slowly realizing that maybe medical knowledge refined over thousands, if not tens of thousands, of years might not be all bullshit (Ayurveda).

Turmeric latte, charcoal and salt toothpastes, ashwagandha, what have you.

Traditional chinese medicine (like a fuckin cobra drowned in a bottle of cheap wine) is still utter bullshit, though.


crazyhadron t1_jd8je2m wrote

Wheat and rice is a recent development in India (and most of the world, for that matter).

Millets were the staple crop in most of India up till the mid 20th century.

Wheat and rice are just too risky to grow in most places without modern technology.

Europe didn't necessarily loose all of the fertility of its lands with the collapse of the roman empire, yet it suddenly became a lot less prosperous.

A civilization's success depends on many factors, and fertile lands are just one of them. You need some pretty sophisticated bureaucracy to run it all.


crazyhadron t1_j8hmwii wrote

Hopefully the rise in renewables will clear India's air quality. Would've been nice if the farmer's bill had passed. We'd have fewer morons burning crop stubble to plant rice in a hurry.


crazyhadron t1_j88e6ey wrote

>metformin has also been shown to have beneficial effects on multiple otherdisorders such as cancer, anxiety, polycystic ovary syndrome,cardiovascular and Alzheimer diseases

According to the linked paper in this post.

I've never heard about metformin affecting the liver, only the kidneys through lactic acidosis. I don't have diabetes, and have been on metformin for 4+ years now. Had a full medical checkup 5 months ago, with an exhaustive blood test. Everything was more than optimal, no liver issues either.