
creemeeseason t1_j1ht9zk wrote

"good schools" is possibly the biggest scam in real estate. The "best" schools are generally found in the highest income areas because people with money tend to have high achieving kids. It's a self fulfilling cycle.

There are plenty of communities in suburban Boston that have solid schools and you can get a single family house for $500-600k. That's still crazy expensive, and I think that's a problem....but $1.5 million is far more than anyone NEEDS to spend.

However, I totally agree that Massachusetts is overpriced. We have made.ot so hard to build that we don't have enough housing, and we're now in a spiral where housing is so expensive to build that we can not economically build affordable housing. I'm fairly certain that my children will not be able to afford Massachusetts , or won't want to because our economy will decline because we can't get enough workers.